Console enabler mods in any games are also very likely to result in a ban. Editing the configuration files ("config.cfg" and "config_mp.cfg") in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is safe and cannot lead to a VAC ban, although in the later games the corresponding files are encrypted and are not considered safe to edit. SAV files): CODEX has the saved game file conversion from CPY (compatible with Uplay) Go to bin folder where you paste the crack in Step 1. The saved game files are 1.SAVE and 2.SAVE (we need to convert this to CODEX version) Third, THE HARDEST PART (converting the SAVED GAMES into. Black Ops 2 already comes equipped with four different types of Anti-Aliasing built right into the game: ….

However, there are several ways in which we can squeeze more graphical juice out of the game, and this section examines these more advanced methods in detail. This is fortunate, because the config files in Black Ops 2 are encoded, and are not designed to be edited by the user.